What's this about anyway?

Got a question about your small business? Need advice to grow your business? Thinking about starting a business and have no idea how to go about it? You are in the right place to get the answers you need!

How this works...
Click on the envelope to email me your question in confidence. I will post the question and answer for you and others to read and comment. That way everyone benefits from the questions, answers, knowledge and experience of all of us!

Why Ask Deb?
My passion and purpose is to help others succeed in pursuing their dreams of being in business for themselves! As a respected small business adviser, coach, author, public speaker and host of an award winning small business radio talk show - I answer many questions about starting and operating a small business! I look forward to helping you find the answers you need to be successful!

So go ahead - ASK!
~Deb aka "Advice Girl"

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Do I really need a business plan?

Everyone's telling me I should write a business plan for my business but I wonder if it's really necessary. What do you think?